Sunday, September 13, 2009

From couch to 5k

I know a lot of people who have been running races.  I used to be a runner in high school and my first couple years in college, and ran between 1-6 miles a day, but for me it was a chore, not really something that I enjoyed.  Through some research online, I learned that I had probably pushed myself to run too fast or too far.  I wouldn't doubt it.  It wasn't about the joy of being active and moving my body.  It was more about burning calories and staying thin.  In my opinion, that is the wrong reason.  I wasn't trying to be healthy.

Seeing all these people I know run races, I became interested in doing one myself.  I want to get back into running the healthy way, a way that works for me.  I searched the internet looking for a training program to help me prepare for a race.  I found the perfect one... "From couch to 5k."  It is designed for people who don't run, and since I haven't gone running in a couple of years, I would fit into that none runners category.  I liked how it eased people into running without overdoing it.  This one is 9 weeks.  After picking a training schedule, I searched the net for a race.  I picked the Turkey Trot: Six tunnels to Hoover Dam in Boulder City, NV.  It is on Thanksgiving morning, and only 20 miles away from my house.  There was another race in Las Vegas on the same day, but the one in Boulder City seemed a lot more interesting.  Instead of running around an outlet mall, I will be running next to Lake Mead.  I prefer fresh air.

I introduced the idea to my family and to my great pleasure, Amber, Jason and Perry are going to run it with me.  I am so excited.  I bought some new running shoes to get me pumped.  

1 comment:

  1. How fun Meg! I ran a couple 5Ks once. What a good hobby!
    I love you!
    ~ Katelynd
