Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Still waiting...

Yesterday it had been three weeks since I had last talked to Britta.  So, I called her.  She said that three potential teachers had been accepted, but they had applied a few months before me.  Erin, my past roommate, was one of them!  I am so excited for her.  She got accepted to the larger school in Feng Yuan, Taiwan.  Britta told me that since the Taiwan schools have started accepting people, I will probably know within the next two weeks.  This is a great trial of patience.  I am just really excited to find out.


  1. I hope you make it in Meg! That will be so exciting for you and Erin!! I'm SO jealous actually...while ya'll are off playing, some of us are still in school! You'll make it! I miss you!! Good luck with everything!!

  2. oh my gosh my bestfriends name is tandy meg is your friends full name tandra? my best friend is she uses tandy for short

  3. Hi MEgan! Thanks for stopping by my blog! You look so pretty in the top picture! Looks like you are doing good and having fun. :) Keep stopping by to say hi...
