Wednesday, November 4, 2009

When it rains, it pours...

After two months of searching, I landed a job.  A woman found me on a nannying website and contacted me.  She is a very nice LDS mother of four and her husband is a surgeon.  I was excited to meet her and she hired me on the spot.  She needs me about 8 hours a week, and her children are dolls.

That same day, my mom was sitting at a garage sale with her friend, and a man approached her.  He asked her if she knew a babysitter.  She gave him my contact information, and half an hour later I was meeting him and his family.  They hired me on the spot too.  I started the next evening with them.  The family immigrated from Romania about six years ago and have two young daughters.  Starting out they only need me about 12 hours a week, but towards the end of November, they will need me 25 to 30 hours a week, all in the evenings.

Two days later, I received a call from REI.  They hired me for a part-time Customer Service Position.  I am currently in the middle of the training.  I am really excited about this one.  The other employees are really nice, and this place has some good employee benefits and discounts.

This is the location I work at.

The day after that, the manager from DownEast Outfitters called me.  She offered me a temp job for this week.  A new store is going in, and she needed lots of help setting up the store.  I had no idea how much thought and creativity that goes into starting a store, not to mention the hard work.

I guess "when it rains, it pours."  I feel so blessed for these opportunities I have been given.

1 comment:

  1. Meg - I am so happy for you - what a beautiful blessing! I hope all goes well... it sounds like it will. P.S. I love your Halloween costume and your kitty is funny!
    Love - Katelynd
