Friday, March 19, 2010

Trip to Idaho

Now that I am home, I have a chance to reflect on my visit with the Stotts.  It was more than I could have hoped for.  I wasn't sure what to expect.  It was a good week for mama and baby as well.  Grant slept well.  I was never bored.  When Rachel just wanted to relax, I happily did so as well by reading.  I took care of Grant every chance Rachel gave me.  He is so cute.  I learned a lot.  Stuff I had no idea about relating to new babies and mommies.

On Thursday, I got to meet Sophie L Gneiting.  Gator had a new baby.  Sophie and Grant look a lot alike, but I have to say that Grant is a cuter baby.  I may be biased.  Hehe!


  1. Your nephew is adorable! He might be as cute as my own!

  2. Meg, you were in Idaho? And now you're not??? I had no idea!!! Thanks for letting me know! Your nephew is adorable! That's so great that you were able to come and see him. I can't believe Gator had her baby as well. Where does time go? I'm glad you had a good trip!
