Sunday, April 4, 2010

Thoughts about Taiwan, School, Work

When I was in Rexburg, I met with Uncle Jim.  We talked about my future a bit.  He thinks that it would be a good idea for me to go to Taiwan, and to go for six months.  I had originally been planning on going for a year.  I felt better about this idea.  Then, when I get home from Taiwan, I should go back to school.  I want to go back, but I can't decide what to study.  My mind changes weekly.  The most recent ideas were Elementary Education, and then back to Social Work.

I haven't heard anything about Taiwan in so long, it is discouraging.  I am not even sure I want to go anymore.  I mean, I want to, but would it be a good decision?  I have a good job here working at REI.  Should I give that up, and come home to no job after the Taiwan experience?  My supervisor told me the other day that I am becoming the go-to customer service person.  I finally have my own medical/dental/life insurance.  I don't know what to do.

Back to what I should study.  My aunt Debbie was in town for a few days, with my uncle and cousin.  She reminded me that I do have great compassion for people who are suffering.  I get frustrated watching shows like "Intervention," however.  Debbie reminded me of the reasons why I wanted to study Social Work in the beginning.  I have had experiences that are valuable in helping me understand others who struggle.  I think that maybe the deal with "Intervention," is that I don't understand why the people are so resistant to change when the opportunity is freely given to them.  This is not a perfect world and change is hard.  I, myself, was resistant to change in my own ways, when I was given opportunities.  It is scary to change.

I only wish I didn't have to wait so long to start school again.  If I choose to do some licensure or undergraduate program, I can start in the winter.  But if I want to go to Grad School, I can't do that until Fall of 2011.

1 comment:

  1. Fall of 2011 is a perfect time for whatever is in store for you. You are still young and have a lot of time to figure it out. Read the article in this month's Ensign by Marvin J. Ashton. :) It will make you feel really good about what you are doing with your life right now.
