Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Christmas in Taiwan

Christmas, this year (2010), was definitely one to remember, but it didn't feel like Christmas.  We had a party for the kindergartners in the morning.  Most children showed up in costumes, from ladybugs to witches to reindeer.  We were in costumes too.  We had a snowman (Libby), Christmas tree (Erin), Santa Claus (Devin), reindeer (Laura), winter princess (Allison), and four elves (Kristi, Lien, Katy and me).  I thought it was fun to be in costumes.  The children did a nativity scene, which was so cute! The secretaries performed a dance, and the teachers performed a dance.  Ours was so cheesy, but it was for the little kidlets' enjoyment.  The kids had a costume contest.  That explained the costumes.  Kind of a weird thing to do on Christmas.  It added to the craziness.  We had a dance party with the kids and their parents.  This was much more fun than the Christmas eve dance party, because the kids wanted to dance and we could be silly.  The teachers made a movie about Santa Claus going all over Fengyuan, bringing teachers to the school.  At the end of the movie Santa burst through the door and surprised the kids.  It was very fun!

Santa Claus is Coming To Town

Chinese Jingle Bells

Nativity Part 1

Nativity Part 2

On the Runway

Kyan the ladybug.  Yes, that is a little boy.  Hehe!

Gigi and Jenny, the witches

Katrina and Kalen, the reindeer


My student is the one in the yellow dress, Lori

Leo, the dragon...uh or Santa

Shayla and Raya

Celine, the Angel.
At the party, her mother told me that Celine thought that I
was the most beautiful of all the English teachers,
and that I looked like Ariel (from The Little Mermaid).
Haha!  I just think she like my hair.

The one in the middle was my student Kendra, the rabbit

The one in the purple was my student Elaine.

Cooper, the pirate

Bryson, the ninja


Elean, Snow White

Curtis, Buzz Lightyear
This is the family that hit my in their car.

The one in the middle is Olivia.

Stanley and Terence, the reindeer

Fairy Dance

Kids at the Christmas Party

Dance Party

This is how Erin feels about being a Christmas tree!
My thoughts exactly!

Showing off.  Jealous!?

Kristi and Me

Allison and Rex
I liked his costume the best!

Frances and Gerald (my bosses, who happen to be married)

The Very Cool Elves Chillaxing
Me, Lien, Kristi, Katy

The Parents

This is how Libby feels about being a snowman.

Exciting Times
Libby and Lien

Me and Fenny

The Bermuda...I mean, Taiwan...Triangle

Me and Katrina

Katy, Me, Laura, Devin, Allison, Libby, Erin, Kristi, Lien

Plus Frances and Gerald in the back

After the party, Frances carted us all off to Sogo (still in costumes) to give out candy to whatever children we may see.

Who needs a sleigh and flying reindeer when you have a Berhan van to ride in style?!

Entering Sogo, via Starbucks

Duel of the Ninja Snowman and the Feisty Christmas Tree!

Kristi, Erin, Lien
Suspicious location for Lien's fingers to be.  Haha!

Kristi, Lien, Me, Allison


In the mall.


Me and Erin

Abuse of the Snowman
Holly, Snowman (Libby), Christmas Tree (Erin), Kristi

Fenny providing relief.

Christmas dinner (lunch) was definitely a cultural experience.  Frances treated all the teachers and secretaries to a nice Taiwanese restaurant.  We ate family style.  All of the dishes were unfamiliar Taiwanese foods, and there were at least ten different ones.  They just kept coming.  Black chicken and shark fin soup, salad, fried rice with shrimp, some sort of roll with shrimp, shrimp dessert thing, a fish with teeth, a roll with pumpkin in the middle, watermelon, a seafood wrap thing like an egg roll, and I can't remember what else, but everything was very different.

At the restaurant

Fish with teeth

Shrimp dessert thing
Black chicken and shark fin soup

1 comment:

  1. I love your post! This will always be well remembered!!
