Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mini Family Reunion

March 10-11, 2012

I haven't seen Blake for two years.  It was such a special treat to see him.  And we got to meet his girlfriend Deanna of a year.  I think I already mentioned this in a previous post.  Amber was already going to be in town with Trey and Hailey.  Jason was traveling for work, so she decided it would be a perfect time to visit. Rachel and Perry heard that Blake and Amber were going to be here, so she, Perry and Grant made the trip as well.  Everyone was here but Jason.  We had an impromptu mini family reunion!

We played lots of games as a family.  

We went to the park.  The boys b-balled it up.  Even the little boys.

Played on the playground.

The Skate Park.

Yea!  It was great fun, and I am so grateful I was able to see so many members of my family!


  1. It looks like a great time! I hope that next time the Stotts go, they don't have ANY car trouble :)
