Last Sunday, President Wu, one of the counselors to the Stake President, invited Whitney and me to attend a special meeting with Sister Elaine S. Dalton (General Young Women President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) and Sister Rosemary M. Wixom (General Primary President). Whitney wasn't able to attend because of prior travel plans to Japan, but I was able to attend with a few of my roommates, Kristi, Erin and Laura. And I am so glad I did. What a special opportunity it was to hear two general authorities speak. How lucky I am that they came to my Stake Center in Taichung. The meeting was so spiritually uplifting.
Sister Dalton was the first one to speak. She asked the people who have completed their personal progress to stand up. There were about two hundred people in attendance, and only four people arose. Just as I was sitting back down, Sister Dalton pointed to me! and asked me to come up to the stand, with a Taiwanese sister. She asked me to share how the personal progress program has affected my life. Standing in front of so many people, I was not nervous. The words just flowed from my mouth. I don't remember exactly what I said. When I was in high school, I was not an active member of the Church. As a Laurel, I had a Young Women leader that reached out to me, and helped me understand the Savior's love for me. I talked about how personal progress can help bring us closer to Heavenly Father through living the gospel principles. Because of that, it brought me joy and added blessings to my life.
After the meeting was over, Sister Dalton told me that my testimony was perfect. That made me feel so good. She even told me that while I was bearing my testimony, her husband leaned over to her and told her that I could give the talk for her. Haha! She told me that she felt there was something about that girl in the polka dot dress.
After my testimony, the Taiwanese sister bore her's. Sister Dalton had her arm around me and was holding me close. The leaders of the Church have so much love for us, and I could feel it. I recieved so many hugs tonight from Sister Dalton and Sister Wixom. I loved it. I will never forget this experience. The Spirit is so strong here in Taiwan and it was definitely felt at the special meeting.
Kristi, Laura, Erin and I spent a few minutes after the meeting speaking with Brother and Sister Wixom and Brother and Sister Dalton. It was such a pleasure. Some things that Sister Dalton said stick out in my mind. She told us that the Lord inspired us to come here at this time. I have definitely felt the truth of that. I don't always know why I am in Taiwan (of all places), but I know that this is where I need to be at this time in my life. The Spirit has born witness to that in my heart. She also said that this is preparing us for future experiences and we should pay attention to the things that we learn here. Even if I can never communicate with the Taiwanese or get my students to sit nicely through an entire class period, I know that this Taiwan experience is worth it. I have been in Taiwan for two months now, and I can tell I have grown spiritually. I love the gospel more and more each day. That means more to me than getting my students to behave.
Erin, Kristi, me and Laura in front of the Tai Ping Chapel (Stake Center).