Monday, August 9, 2010

Happy 24th!

My 24th birthday was on Wednesday.  I am really happy to be 24, because it is my favorite number.  It is such a beautiful even number.  I was surprised by messages and balloons. 

My MK kids surprised me by singing "Happy Birthday" and telling me "Happy Birthday Miss Megan!" every time they saw me.  It was so cute! 

After eating lunch, we treated ourselves to Bing-shas.  And when everyone came home from teaching, we went out to eat at Style Restaurant.  I had my first Hot Pot, which literally that.  A hot pot is serving with a flame beneath it.  It is a soup that you add stuff to, and it cooks right in front of you.  It was definitely a good birthday.  Thank you everyone!!!


  1. And YOU sat next to the boy ;) The soup looks amazing and I am thoroughly impressed that you are eating it with chop sticks! Also, the little Asian kids are adorable!

  2. Fun pics! I'm so glad those girls took care of you on your birthday.
