Wednesday, September 15, 2010


After I got done with my Friday evening class, I was relaxing in my room.  Whitney knocked on the door, and said that something was on the ceiling in the hallway, just outside my door.  At first I thought it was a snail.  As I looked closer, I realized it was a bat, which I promptly named Dracula!  (It was the first thing I thought of.)  How exciting!  We took pictures and pondered what to do about it.  I decided to tell a secretary about it.  Sharlene started laughing hysterically and asked Andy to come and help us.  He said he was busy teaching a class.  Sharlene suggested that I tell Frances.  I went to the first floor to find her, but she was gone.  I told the other secretaries.  The talked back and forth in Chinese.  I got tired of waiting and headed back up to the fourth floor to come up with my own ideas on how to free it.  Soon after, Andy showed up.  His attempts with a box were unsuccessful.  I got a pretty fun video.  Dracula freaked out and flew back and forth down the hallway, then flew up another flight of stairs and nose dived into a large pile of stuff.  Andy went back to his class.  But I spent about 10 minutes moving things to try and find the bat.  I never did. 

Apparently, on Saturday, Devin came home to find Beuford (same bat, new name) flying back and forth in the hallway again.  He was successful in freely the little cutie via basket. 

1 comment:

  1. You saw my response but I always comment on your stuff! So funny!
