Thursday, July 22, 2010

Classroom Chaos - My First Grade Class

On Monday, I brought some objects into my first grade class for a game.  The idea was to group a few things together and have the kids guess why those things are together.  For example: for the first round, I grouped a clock, a watch, and a cell phone.  The common theme was that they all tell time.  That was the only round that we got through before my class turned into utter chaos.  The kids took my phone and camera and were taking pictures and video.  A couple of boys were playing soccer with a sponge.  I just let it be.  I really need to work on classroom managment.  I have some interesting pictures of the experience, courtesy of Tony.

We found a little lizard.  I couldn't focus in very well.

Jeff, Sharlene and Tony (back facing the camera)

Camera Shy


Me, Jeff and Mark

Me, Jeff, Sharlene and Mark

Mark and Tom playing soccer with the sponge.

More soccer action

Mark, Tom, Jeff and Sharlene




  1. That's funny. Yeah classroom management is the real thing they should teach you. Looks fun though. Are you sure these pictures aren't confidential?

  2. These kids are adorable! Jeff is super cute
