Saturday, July 10, 2010

Fruit Market

Erin and I went for a bike ride last night, got lost on the way to the grocery store, and found a fruit market.
I have a hard time reading their sale signs, so I am not sure if the stuff is a good price, but sometime I'll something there.  A couple of nights ago, I saw some guy selling fruit on the street.  I was really craving pineapple.  They are super sweet tasting here.  Anyway, I asked him how much.  He told me in Chinese, but I didn't understand, so he showed me on a calculator.  28 NTD.  Not bad, but not the best price I have seen either.  I didn't have any change, so I gave him 100 NTD.  His wife gave me 20 NTD back.  What the heck face.  I gave him a confused look, and he was like, "Oh whoops, I meant that it was 82 NTD."  That's what he would have said if he could speak English.  He showed me 82 on the calculator.  I would have said no to the pineapple altogether if he hadn't cut it all up for me and put it in a bag.  I gave him a disapproving look.  His wife ran over and put a banana in the bag.  As if that makes everything all better.  This isn't the first time I have been ripped off.  82 NTD is a horrible price for a pineapple here.

I am not sure what this is.

This mango has a finger.  Thumbs up!


  1. I am confused for you. That sucks. I hate it when you get ripped off and when people don't care to acknowledge that they were jerks about it. Sorry, Meglet. I do like the thumbs up mango. ha!

  2. I can't believe him! I bet he does that to other Americans too. What a jerk! If I spoke chinese I would have asked for my money back. Arg. The mango is hilarious and I have no clue what that fruit is either.
