Saturday, May 22, 2010

Busy Friday

The Anniversary Sale for REI started today.  I have never had such a fast/tiring day at REI.  It was a whirlwind.  The place was packed.

We had a YSA (Young Single Adult) Regional Dance tonight.  Even though it was an hour away, Tiffany and I went.  We got there 45 minutes late, and there was hardly anyone there and no music.  After sitting around for 30 minutes, we decided to leave and grab a bite to eat.  The party had started by the time we got back.  I have decided that I am not one for large crowds, loud noise, and hot cultural halls.  I met a lot of new people, or I should say guys (from the speed-dating segment).  There are a lot of crazies in the world.  Ode to Singles Wards.  My ward made t-shirts for the softball tournament tomorrow.  It considers us "66% Less Creepy Than Your Average Singles Ward."  It couldn't be more true. 

On the way home, we stopped by U-Swirl.  A perfect ending to a pretty good day.  I can't even tell that my parents are out of town again. 

Favorite quotes of the evening:
A few girls were standing together talking and Melissa comes up. "Uh, this isn't lesbian-dating..."  She was obviously disgusted with our non-guy-mingling group.
"Can I have a meatball sandwich on flat bread?"  How does that work?  Subway boy was confused too.
"I want to get Reese's and Peach Mango Tart ice cream." Sick.

I loved laughing to tears.  I was super giggly tonight.

Why am I still up?  Goodnight.

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