Monday, May 3, 2010

My Decision

(Subject to change, because let's be honest, I do that sometimes.)

I have decided that I am going to go to Taiwan.  I am really excited about it.  I got accepted into the program about two weeks ago, but I didn't want to plan on anything because I wasn't sure what to do about it.  I feel really comfortable with my decision.  

I realized the other day that I make decisions easier when I don't rely on certain people to help me know what to do.  Every time I do this, I end up more confused than I was before.  Other people are very supportive in whatever I choose to do, and provide a stress-free environment for me to process my thoughts.  Thank you Rachel, Perry, Hannah, Amber, and mom.

In my research, I came across this blog .  In this post, there is a video of what the school looks like, and also the apartment I would be living in (third video).  It really put my mind at ease being able to see it.

I am expected to receive my contract this week sometime.  As soon as I sign that, everything is final, I'm going.  Then I apply for a working visa, attend training in mid-late June, and leave for my adventure in the last few days in June.

In the mean-time, I am going to visit family and friends.  Hannah is this week.  I am so excited to her!!!!!!!!!  I love my Hannah!

The beginning of June, I plan on visiting Rachel/Perry/Baby Grant and Amber/Jason/Trey.


  1. oh my gosh, I am so excited for you. I watched the girl's video of the area where the teachers live. Very cool. The bedrooms are HUGE! : )

  2. So you have decided eh? Thats really good! So now you can relax. So what made you decide on Social work? We should chat sometime soon. The EFY thing is probably your best idea yet. It is such a great deal and probably loads of fun!
